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• 99 Downloads • Summary 1. Download game kknd krossfire portable pc. A simplified quantitative Kreis test has been compared with peroxide numbers and iodine values during prolonged rancidification of several animal and vegetable fats. The ratio of Kreis to peroxide values varied with the kind of fat and seemed to parallel its linoleic acid content. With vegetable oils containing a large amount of linoleic acid (corn and cottonseed) the intensity of color at the time of peak color development was too great to be read on the colorimeter. With all fats for which accurate determinations were possible (butter, chicken, pork, and ethyl oleate), the Kreis values reached maximum and began falling off while peroxide values were still increasing.

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Winpc nc economy download crack free. Temperature of fat storage had a greater effect on the Kreis test than on the peroxide number. Increasing the temperature caused a decrease not only in the peak values obtained for the Kreis test, but also in the ratio of Kreis to peroxide values.