When I’m ready, I go to university (college, school). Classes start at 9.00 (10.00). I can’t say that I’m a very good student, but I try to do my best. Study takes a great part of my day now. I have excellent tutors which have a great impact on the formation of my personality.

WILL LUTHER BE THE NEXT CANONIZED ‘SAINT’? - When I read about the jubilant commemorations that the Conciliar Church will sponsor together with the Lutheran World Federation at the end of October in Sweden, I wondered whether Francis is preparing to surprise the world by canonizing the revolted monk of the 16 th century as another manifestations of his “mercy.” Indeed, after he has and with Wojtyla, has beatified with Montini and enshrined with Teresa of Calcutta, why could he not canonize heresy – blatant and furious heresy – with Luther? Will Luther, Calvin & Zwingli be declared 'saints' by the Conciliar Church? Some reader may think that I am “off the wall” with this comment. Unfortunately, I am not.

The foundation for my hypothesis relies on some precedents, which we should keep in mind if we want to understand the events in Sweden this coming October / November: • 1970 – When the same Lutheran World Federation met at Evian, Card. Jan Willebrands, then president of the Secretariat for Promoting Christian Unity, spoke of Luther in terms that Catholics usually reserve for St. Thomas Aquinas. The latter justly deserves the title of “common master” or “common doctor,” meaning that he should be respected by all theological schools in the Church. Kursovoj proekt mnogoetazhnogo zhilogo doma.

Willebrands praised Luther in his official speech, applying to Luther the title “common master.” (1) • 1983 – As the 500 th anniversary of the birth of the heresiarch approached, John Paul II wrote a letter to Card. Willebrands paying homage to Luther by calling him “doctor,” bringing to mind the praise of Willebrands quoted above.


Radio shack pro 2014 scanner manual. These were Wojtyla’s words: “November 10 th is the 500 th anniversary of the birth of Doctor Martin Luther of Eisleben. On this occasion numerous Christians remember that theologian who contributed substantially to the radical change of ecclesiastical and secular reality in the West. Until today our world feels his great impact on History.” Further in that letter, JPII responded to the Protestant request for dialogue and praises Luther: “I welcome this intention with satisfaction, seeing it as a fraternal invitation to achieve a more profound and complete vision of historical events and a critical analysis of Luther’s multifarious heritage through a common effort. Indeed, the scientific research of evangelical and Catholic scholars, which has already led to many points of convergence, have made a more complete and nuanced picture of Luther’s personality, as well as a more complex interlacing of the historical, political and ecclesiastical reality in the 16 th century. These results have given visible proof of the profound religiosity of Luther, who was moved by an ardent passion for the question of eternal salvation.” (2) • 1984 – In an ecumenical speech delivered at Bari, Card.


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