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Similar words:  (1.00) (1.00) (0.50) (0.50) (0.50) grE graphics Engine grF graph (file name extension) grP group (file name extension) graecism 1> grecizm 2> elementy podrazhaniya grecheskomu stilyu (v iskusstve) graecize 1> grecize 2> pridavat' cherty grecheskogo stilya 3> priobretat' cherty grecheskogo stilya graeco- 1> komponent slozhnyh slov; v russkom yazyke sootvetstvuet komponentu greko- _Ex: graeco-Asiatic greko-aziatskii _Ex: graecomania grekomaniya _Ex: graecophil grekofil graecomania 1> grekomaniya graecophil 1> grekofil graf 1> _nem. Graf grail 1> _mif. Graal' _Ex: the (Holy) grail Graal', chasha Graalya grampian Hills noun Grampianskie gory grand Master 1> velikii magistr, grossmeister (rycarskogo ordena) 2> _shahm. Grossmeister graves' disease noun bazedova bolezn' graves's disease 1> bazedova bolezn' gray code 1> kod Greya. Dvoichnyi kod, posledovatel'nye elementy kotorogo otlichayutsya rovno v odnom razryade. 000, 001, 011, 111, 101, 100, 110, 010).

Great Powers 1> velikie derzhavy grecian 1> ellinist 2> negrek, govoryashii po-grecheski 3> _ust. Grek 4> grecheskii (o stile) _Ex: grecian architecture grecheskaya arhitektura, grecheskii stil' v arhitekture _Ex: grecian nose grecheskii nos _Ex: grecian knot grecheskii uzel _Ex: grecian slippers sandalii _Ex: grecian bend neestestvennyi naklon tulovisha pri hod'be (v podrazhanie naklonu torsa grecheskih statui, rasprostranennyi okolo 1870 g.) _Id: grecian horse troyanskii kon' _Id: grecian gift dary danaicev grecism 1> grecizm 2> elementy podrazhaniya grecheskomu stilyu (v iskusstve) grecize 1> pridavat' cherty grecheskogo stilya 2> priobretat' cherty grecheskogo stilya greco- 1> (tzh. Graeco-) komponent slozhnyh slov; v russkom yazyke sootvetstvuet komponentu greko- _Ex: graeco-Asiatic greko-aziatskii _Ex: graecomania grekomaniya _Ex: graecophil grekofil greece noun Greciya greek 1> grek; grechanka _Ex: the greeks _sobir. Greki 2> grecheskii yazyk _Ex: modern greek sovremennyi grecheskii yazyk _Id: gay greek vesel'chak; veselyi sobutyl'nik; gulyaka _Id: it is greek to me eto dlya menya sovershenno neponyatno; eto dlya menya kitaiskaya gramota _Id: it's a case of greek meeting greek eto - shvatka ravnyh _Id: when greek meets greek kogda vstrechayutsya dostoinye soperniki, bol'shogo srazheniya ne minovat' 3> grecheskii _Ex: greek architecture grecheskaya arhitektura, grecheskii stil' v arhitekture _Ex: greek era grecheskoe letoschislenie _Ex: greek type _poligr. Grecheskii shrift _Id: greek gift dary danaicev _Id: at the greek calends do grecheskih kalend, nikogda greek Church 1> grecheskaya elladskaya cerkov' 2> greko-kafolicheskaya, pravoslavnaya cerkov' greek cross 1> grecheskii krest, ravnokonechnyi krest greek-letter fraternity 1> _am. Obshestvo (preim studencheskoe), nazyvaemoe bukvami grecheskogo alfavita greekish 1> napominayushii grecheskii, neskol'ko pohozhii na grecheskii 2> _redk. Yazycheskii greekishly 1> na grecheskii maner greekism 1> _redk.

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