Download 4 Dots On Ontario Drivers License free. The Government of Ontario is serious about educating the province’s drivers on the dangers of using a mobile device while driving. The provincial. What does the traffic light symbol mean on the back of the uk driving license? What do 3 dots on back of driving licence mean. Four little dots on my Ontario G driver's license? I have a G - Ontario driving license with 4 white stars under my photo it has been issued for me 3 years ago when I did the G test without going through the G2 test, considering my previous driving in the middle East. So does it mean now I have 7 years driving? Can I use that to lower my auto.

Four Black Dots Ontario Drivers License

The Ontario driver's license has 15 letters and digits. The initial letter is the first letter of the driver's last name. S for Smith, R for Roberts, B for Black and so on. The four digits which follow that letter, indicate the name is the same as all other names spelled the same way.

If the numbers following the S for the name Smith were 1234, then that would mean that every person with the name Smith would have S1234 as the first letter and first 4 digits. There are 5 digits as the next sequence. Symantec norton ghost 15 boot cd iso download The last of those 5 digits is 'attached' to the last sequence of 5 digits to indicate the driver's date of birth.

The second number in the last sequence of 5 numbers indicates the gender of the driver. A male driver is 0; a female driver is 5. Smith the driver's date of birth is January 15, 1991. Smith the driver is male.


Smith's last 6 numbers of his driver's license will be: 9-10115. There are 4 numbers in the driver's license which do not seem to be indicative of anything special and may be randomly assigned. I have been unable to find out what those 4 numbers mean or even if they do mean something.

So they MAY be random. The result of this example would be a driver's license for Mr. Smith which might look like this: S1234-xxxx9-10115 where the x stands for numbers which might be randomly assigned. If I can ascertain if the x actually designates something, I will be back to improve this answer. Most of the time they don't 'mean' anything. When I first got my license in Missouri, by comparing it with thatof my friends I was able to figure out that the first letter of thelicense number was the first letter of my last name (this waspretty obvious), and it also seemed to be true that the next twodigits were the numerical value of the second letter of my lastname (in my case this was U, so the digits were 21).

Missouri no longer issues licenses using that numbering scheme anymore, and like most other states that I'm aware of they just useyour social security number if you have one and don't specificallyobject to its use, or a semi-random number they generate if you doobject or don't have an SSN for some reason.

Oct 10th, 2011 9:05 pmNeed help to clarify the requirement of accompanying drive under highway act ontario. It says: 'You must drive with an accompanying driver, who has to be a fully licensed driver with at least four years of experience and a blood alcohol level of less than.05,' Does 'four years of experience' mean post G experience or post G2 experience I am G license holder, I got my G1 in Apr 2006, and G2 in Nov 2007, so can I teach my wife from this Nov on? Convert octet stream to pdf online. Yes, go ahead. I feel old now, I got my G1 back in 2003, been driving since then. 8 Years of experience+. Oct 10th, 2011 9:05 pmNeed help to clarify the requirement of accompanying drive under highway act ontario.

It says: 'You must drive with an accompanying driver, who has to be a fully licensed driver with at least four years of experience and a blood alcohol level of less than.05,' Does 'four years of experience' mean post G experience or post G2 experience I am G license holder, I got my G1 in Apr 2006, and G2 in Nov 2007, so can I teach my wife from this Nov on? 'experience' starts from the date you pass your G1 (written test). Just make sure to follow the usual license restrictions (ie: no highway driving for G1, etc). Oct 11th, 2011 4:36 pmThis is wrong info.