I am an experienced freelance technology journalist. I have written for Wired, The Next Web, TrustedReviews, The Guardian and the BBC in addition to Forbes. I began in b2b print journalism covering tech companies at the height of the dot com boom and switched to covering consumer technology as the iPod began to take off. A career highlight for me was being a founding member of TrustedReviews.

It started in 2003 and we were repeatedly told websites could not compete with print! Within four years we were purchased by IPC Media (Time Warner's publishing division) to become its flagship tech title. What fascinates me are the machinations of technology's biggest companies. Got a pitch, tip or leak? Contact me on,, my professional or via email: gordonATgordonkelly.com.

Software is an all-encompassing term that is used in contrast to hardware, which are the tangible components of a computer. So everything else in your computer that is not hardware is software. An application is basically a type of software. So the difference between software and application is very.

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I don't bite. The author is a Forbes contributor.

The opinions expressed are those of the writer. Windows 10 launched on July 29th and has already been downloaded over 14 million times. Microsoft’s decision to plays a big part (especially given ) but it is also just the tip of the iceberg. So let’s weigh up the main differences between Windows 10, Windows 7 and Windows 8. There are a large number of pros but also some significant cons, including a few potential deal breakers. What Makes Windows 10 Worth The Upgrade Cost – While some Windows 7 and Windows 8 users, for the vast majority there is no cost to upgrading whatsoever. On paper this is a great deal because Windows 10 is not cheap and ‘Windows 10 Home’ and ‘Windows 10 Pro’ editions retail for $119 and $199 respectively.

By contrast Windows 7 and Windows 8 have not been made free by Microsoft following Windows 10’s release and the company has no plans to make them so. Consequently even if you revert back to Windows 7 or Windows 8 in time, it would seem to make sense to take your free Windows 10 upgrade. Download free the weathering magazine issue 01 pdf converter. Longer Support -Another key reason for getting the latest edition of Windows is Microsoft will support it for longer than both Windows 7 and Windows 8. The (screen grab below) breaks this down into two sections: Mainstream Support and Extended Support. Mainstream Support is the deadline for adding new features and functionality which makes it less crucial, but Extended Support is when Microsoft will stop supporting the platform with updates. As you will see Windows 10 gives five more years Extended Support over Windows 7 and two more years over Windows 8. Windows Lifecycles – Image credit Microsoft Flexibility And Universal Apps -Where Microsoft deserves a lot of credit with Windows 10 is its ambition because the OS will run across all future Microsoft devices from desktops and laptops, to hybrids, tablets and smartphones.

The biggest benefits of this are: • Apps in the new Windows Store will run on any device which means a single version of Angry Birds works everywhere. • Microsoft’s ‘Continuum’ feature allows you to potentially connect a phone or tablet to a monitor and keyboard and use it like a PC. Yes Windows 10 really does run through every device and the user interface can adapt to its environment – be that phone, tablet or PC and touch, mouse or keyboard interaction. Gaming -Windows 10 brings with it DirectX 12 and for serious gamers this is a must have. Initial reports suggested DX12 would bring a 30-40% performance gain over DX11 and whereas the reality is closer to 10-20% that’s still money for old rope. Windows 7 and Windows 8 will never get access to DX12.