Avicii drum samples download

Tim Bergling (born 8 September 1989), better known by his stage name Avicii is a Swedish EDM DJ, remixer, and record producer. Avicii ranked 3rd on DJ Magazine's annual Top 100 DJs in 2012 and 2013 and has been nominated twice for a Grammy Award, once for his work on 'Sunshine' with David Guetta in 2012 and once for his song 'Levels' in 2013. Some of his most famous songs are 'Wake Me Up', 'You Make Me', 'Hey Brother' and 'Addicted to You'. In 2011, Avicii released 'Levels', which launched him into the mainstream. The song was produced and written by Tim Bergling and contains a vocal sample from the 1962 gospel-inspired 'Something's Got a Hold on Me' by Etta James. The same vocal sample was used first by Pretty Lights in his 2006 song 'Finally Moving'.

This sample was also used by Drum and Bass producer Logistics on 'Call Me Back' and by Flo Rida in his single 'Good Feeling', which was produced by DJ Prak and Cirkut. 'Levels' reached the top ten in Austria, Belgium, Bosnia, Croatia, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, The Netherlands, Slovenia, and the United Kingdom and topped the charts in Hungary, Norway, and Sweden Listen to Avicii's top and latest Progressive House, House, Pop / Rock songs, watch videos and discover DJs similar to Avicii on EDM Hunters. Like your favourite songs to make your vote count. What's your #1?

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The EDM smash set the standard for an entire generation of club anthems. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to call 'Levels,' the career-making early signature song for Swedish superstar DJ, one of the most important pop songs of the 21st century. With its simple structure, booming hooks and soaring vocal sample, the song became a mainstream U.S. Hit at a time that such EDM jams were still not generally considered potential crossover fare, proving the massive audience that already existed for dance music stateside, which would only get exponentially bigger in the years to come.

Apr 20, 2018 - Ten Reasons Why Avicii's 'Levels' Is One of the Greatest Songs of All. With its simple structure, booming hooks and soaring vocal sample, the. AVICII Sample Pack + Sylenth 1 Soundbanks [FREE DOWLOAD] By DDA. Today we're dropping you a pack of sounds which you can use to mix and make your own productions just like AVICII.

Though the song was copied -- often liberally and explicitly -- by hundreds of imitators to follow, the blinding shimmer of 'Levels' never dimmed, even through years of exhaustive overplay. Conexant cx23881 drivers. Like 'Smells Like Teen Spirit,' 'Blitzkrieg Bop,' 'Nuthin' But a 'G' Thang' or any number of other iconic songs in rock and pop history, it remains the purest sonic distillation of a discrete moment in musical history, one that will never be watered down for anyone fortunate enough to have experienced it. While Avicii -- who was tragically found dead today (Apr. 20), at the age of just 28 -- would go on to enjoy bigger top 40 hits, it's the singular rapture of 'Levels' that will undoubtedly soundtrack the late DJ's introduction to the great cosmic rave in the sky, an anthem so naturally in tune with the most visceral forms of musical and physical connection that it absolutely should have the power to cross realms.